Your student experience is great, so stop moaning about revision

Durham have it a lot worse off than you

Exeter is the 8th best uni in the country for student experience according to a new survey.

The uni will be pleased with the statistics from Times Higher Education Best Student Experience Survey, despite slipping behind Oxbridge, Bath and even Loughborough.

14,700 undergrads from 113 unis were interviewed for the survey, with a criteria consisting of 21 factors, including high quality staff/lectures, helpful interested staff, well-structured courses, good social life, good community atmosphere, good environment on campus and high quality facilities.

Ability to pull on a night out, amount of hill walking and likelihood of getting a 2.1 without attending any 9ams were controversially not measured in the survey.

We have underwear parties, of course our experience is great


This year the University of Bath stole the South West crown, dominating the leader board by winning best overall experience and best for industry connections. We were also beaten by Surrey, Sheffield and UEA, who have somehow risen 28 places from last year.

All that grass is making you happy

Horrifyingly, Loughborough have shot up into 2nd place, rising 9 places from last year and being awarded best for high quality facilities.

However, we did beat Durham, Warwick and Bristol, so all is not lost.