Should you break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend?

Goodbye my lover


The question on everyone’s lips. Should you remorselessly cut him or her out of your life and embrace the loose morals and sexual activity of summer with open arms? Or do you stay true to bae?

Matt Carington, second year, International Relations

“I’d personally say yes. I don’t know, it depends whether you see yourself long term or whether you’re in love but commitment is better than sleeping around so if you think you can do it then you should.

“If you can’t stay committed to them then there’s no point in investing time and effort into a relationship that you’re not willing to see through.”

 Jasmine Daniels, first year, Geography

“I don’t think it’s a good idea to stay with a boyfriend or girlfriend during your time at uni.

“Uni is a time for finding out more about yourself and what you want and adding someone else into the equation isn’t a good idea. I like the freedom of being single and being able to get with someone and not worry about hurting someone else or letting someone down.

“In my flat we have a walk of shame chart and jokes like that can’t really be made if you have someone you’re supposed to be loyal to.”

Harriet Conti, second year, History

“I stayed with my boyfriend in uni – we’re still together now and have been for 3 years.

“We went to the same sixth form and are now at the same uni, doing the same course. It’s worth it if the relationship is.”

Jack Meril, first year, Bio Chemistry

“I’m so glad that I dumped my girlfriend. I broke up with her and I am so happy that I don’t have to see her anymore – I’m much happier without her.

“Who needs a girlfriend anyway? All I want is to go out with all my friends and not be tied down. Now I can get with whoever I want.

“I don’t need a text every day saying good morning. And I certainly don’t need to have someone to do activities with. I like spending time on my own. I love alone time.

“I don’t miss her beautiful hair and amazing smile and the way that she called me pickle. I can polish my own Warhammer figurines. I don’t need her. I’m so much better alone.”

Richard Honor, third year, Computer science

“I would yes, it’s best to break up. I was with someone at uni when I came to uni and it just didn’t work.

“I think it largely depends on location and whether you’re willing to put in the effort. And also the length of the relationship.”

Tom ‘Gap Yah’ Bunce, first year, Bio Chemistry

“Some people don’t get it. Sometimes I’m judged. But love pulls me through. Waking up in the morning makes me feel, special. It makes me feel warm and loved.

“It makes me feel safe and protected and appreciated. Yes we met online and yes we haven’t met in person, but when our sims connect it’s something I’ve never felt any other way.

“University wouldn’t be the same without our connection. Maybe one day we’ll meet. On a summer’s day we can have a picnic in the RAM garden and shop in Forum market place together.

“We’ll make a list and tick it off and laugh and smile and… what is love?

“I know I’m not who I say I am.  I’m Tom Bunce not Kitty Smith who’s 17 from Surrey but I think he’ll love me all the same.”

Sophie Rickson, third year, Maths

“Well, I had an ex at a different uni when I came to Exeter and long distance didn’t work with us, especially with uni life.”You’re stressed about work so every time we spoke on Skype it ended up being about work which isn’t ideal. It’s too much to juggle both.”I do have a boyfriend at this uni now though and that’s easier because it’s not long distance. So I’d say don’t come to uni with a boyfriend, but having one here is a much better and more realistic idea.”

Olivia Dyer, third year, Economics

“I came to uni with a boyfriend and it was a long distance thing. I think don’t do it – break up before you come. Having a boyfriend takes away from the uni experience in the first couple of weeks of uni.
“You hold back with who you make friends and socialise with, especially guys cos you don’t want to give them the wrong impression.
“Also, it causes lots of arguments and things can be interpreted incorrectly.  You end up going home a lot when they’re far away which is obviously difficult when you have limited time and money.”