The essentials for every Exeter girl
You don’t need to be going to the gym to wear running leggings
There’s an Exeter look, we all know there’s a look.
You may not be a full blown Exeter basic bitch – that’s hella expensive – but the chances are, you own a lot of the items on this list.
Worn at once, they are quintessentially Exetah. Classic EX4. A Guildford girl in Devon kind of dream. Have a little read, you’ll see what we mean…
Some classic trainers
With hills like cardiac, there’s no way the gals of EX4 could wear anything other than comfy, let’s be honest. Therefore, trainers are the natural option. Let’s state the obvious, you can wear your trainers with almost every outfit and still look freaking awesome.
They should only be from Nike or Adidas, obviously. Plain black if you’re going classic or a pattern if you’re rogue. Who cares, just stick with your kicks.
Side note: they’ll serve you well in Moz.
A colourful retro jacket
Okay, so maybe this isn’t essential but if hummus qualifies as so in Waitrose then this lovely number certainly does it for us.
A colourful retro jacket is fun. Whack it on over a boring t and some jeans and suddenly, your outfit is elevated. It’s got a certain amount of rebellion, a whiff of try hard, and a sprinkling of, who gaf anyway?!
You won’t complete your degree without meeting someone who owns one of these.
The nonchalant tousled locks
Whether it’s plaits, two buns or half up, half down, we all know someone who won’t have the same hairstyle two days in a row. However, an Exeter gal, a true Exetahhhhh gal, will stride around with her hair bouncing around her shoulders, hanging free, and looking like a honey.
Her wavy locks look a little like bed hair, as if she’s made no effort at all but, the truth is, she’s been twisting strands around her finger and spraying it with sea salt for the last three hours. Hey ho, she looks like a dream.
A high waisted skirt
Come to think of it, anything high waisted is a good shout. Tuck in a shirt, and voila, an ideal outfit for your upcoming Costa date. It’s cute, preppy, and oh, so very Exeter.
You’re going to Cavern for the first time so, what do you need? Nope, nada, noooo, not a ticket. Hun, you need some glitter. You haven’t truly experienced Cavern until you wake up with silver body sequins all over your bed sheets and 20 selfies with a man you don’t even know.
What’s more, with the Big Weekend coming up this weekend, a savvy Exeter girl will know that glitter is your go to beauty hero.
A choker
If you don’t end up owning one of these then did you really go to Exeter?
A baseball cap
Perfect for your bad hair day, or just any day really.
When you just can’t be bothered and you’ve run out of sea salt, slap on a cap and know you’re just fine. It’s easy, it’s relaxed, and conveniently very on trend.
Gym gear
Whether you’re heading to the gym or not, you WILL end up wearing gym clothes to your lectures. We’re talking running leggings, some trainers, oh, and maybe a sports bra strap peeping out whispering to the masses that you’re probably in body soc and take the gym seriously. Wear it with confidence.
Also, when you go to the gym then you must post about it. Always remember, if it wasn’t in your Snapchat story then it never actually happened. (This rule also applies to shit you want to forget)
A leather jacket
The coat of champions. It’s fail safe. If best friends came in jacket form, this would be your girl.
Some sunglasses
Perfect for hiding the bags under your eyes after pulling an all-nighter when your essay was due, your sunnies are a must.
Either go all out quirk or pick a classic Ray Ban shape.
Some simple black leggings will help to cover up all those bruises you got from falling down the stairs in Timepiece. Be aware, NEVER, EVER, EVER wear them if they’re a) filled with holes b) shiny or c) see through.
A stylish backpack
Not just handy for carrying all those lecture notes but also the 4 bottles of wine you just bought from the Coop.
Patterned backpacks are fun but it’s almost always better to pick one in classic leather, preferably in a tan or black.
If you’re really Exetah, the Longchamp bag is the one.
A crew neck sweater
Preferably with the Adidas or Nike logo on the front.
Trust us, you NEED a crew neck sweater. The Guild have some pretty cute ones with the Exeter logo on so, ya know, why not? Uni pride and all. Wear it around Guildford next time you pop to see mummy.
A crop top
I mean what else are you going to wear on a night out to Arena? You must couple this with at least 3 VKs and an argument with a fresher who has just called it Unit 1.
Black ripped jeans
Buy a pair of these and you will now be a perfectly dressed Exeter gal. No questions asked.
Tab proposal: they should send a free pair out on results day to all the gals who got their Exeter grades.
So, there you have it, a definitive list of all that you need to embrace your inner Exeter basic bitch. They are essentials and the look is classic.
P.s if you’re not a basic bitch, what are you?! Take our quiz hun, we’ve got the answers.