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Sean Kingston is Coming to Exeter

Who says we have a shit nightlife?

When it comes to cities that never sleep, it's safe to say that Exeter is far off the list, which is no surprise- out clubs shut before 3am and we're all back in our beds well before 4am, depending on kebab shop queues.

It is for this exact reason the one time we did have something iconic happen namely, SNOOP DOGG at Timepiece, no one, I repeat, no one has let us forget that.

Somebody call 911!

It's been a while since then and as much as we religuously love our messy nights at TP, we finally have the opportunity to be a part of history. Mark your calendars because the star of all our early teenage playlists, Sean Kingston is hitting Timepiece on the 27th of March.

It's basically going to be like Cheesys but a bit more boujee and also you have superstar that's going to perform LIVE.

?COMPETITION TIME?➤ VIP Meet & Greet with Sean Kingston ➤ Bottle of Smirnoff + Mixers➤ 4 x FREE Tickets All you need to do is TAG 3 mates in the comments, like & share this post.Best of luck!

Posted by Boujee Exeter on Monday, February 19, 2018

Thanks to Friday Flava, you also have the chance to win a Meet and Greet and a bottle of Smirnoff (woo for free booze!).

Tickets go on sale on the 25th of February at 6pm so be sure to get your hands on some before they're gone as this will definitely sell out within minutes!