Fashion in the Forum: Best friend edition
Best dressed best friends
This week we bring you the best friend edition of Fashion in the Forum. May their glorious outfits and undying love for one another make you feel all warm and snuggly inside on yet another rainy day in Exeter.
Becca, Third Year, Geography & Clem, Third Year, History
It’s no surprise Becca gazes lovingly at her best friend Clem when she’s dressed like such a dream. Clem’s denim cargo trousers are from Brandy Melville while Becca shows us that two coats are clearly better than one for tackling the winter winds. Becca’s skirt is from Urban Outfitters.
Tolu, Third Year, Business and Economics & Maseli, Third Year, Economics
Best friends Tolu and Maseli make a stressful trip to the library look both comfortable and cool in matching hoodies: Tolu’s black one is from Supreme and Maseli’s is H&M. Maseli’s superb black oxfords are from Deicheman and Tolu wears platform Converses.
Camille, Third Year, Geography & Orla, Third Year, Law
Cord continues to be a favorite on campus this week, Orla’s yellow cords were a steal from eBay so sadly you won’t be able replicate her look. Fortunately, Camille’s excellent denim jumpsuit is still available at ASOS.
Joao, Lecturer, Art History & Visual Culture & Lily, Third Year, Art History and Visual Culture
Undoubtedly the best dressed lecturer to grace the Forum is AHVC’s Joao. His green peg trousers and jumper are both from Cos. Lily wears a black boiler suit from Urban Outfitters with a denim afghan jacket from Depop.
Millie, First Year, History and International Relations & Millie, First Year, History & French
First year Millies are matching in faux fur jackets: Millie’s navy jacket is from Laundry and Millie’s black jacket is a gem from Zara. Bonus best friend points for having the same name.
Louisa, Third Year, Engineering & Bertie, Third Year, Business and Economics
Housemates and best friends Louisa and Bertie have colour-coordinated their outfits today: Bertie’s blue checked shirt from Norse Projects compliments Louisa’s blue belt and neck scarf (both from Florence!) Louisa is also the famed creator of Loupa jewelry and, of course, sports her own designs.
Nate, Second Year, Economics & Lily, Third Year, Art History and Visual Culture
Excuse Lily’s double feature this week – Nate was in need of a best pal. Nate’s cargo trousers are actually workmen trousers so only cost him £8! Lily’s second coat of the day is also from Depop.
Cora, Fourth Year, Spanish & Anne-Louise, Fourth Year, German
Ending the round up with a lot of love from these linguists, Cora’s pinstriped trousers are actually from Barcelona, where she spent her year abroad. Anne-Louise’s trousers are from urban and she completes her look with her beloved Falke orange socks.