Five things from this year’s Freshers’ Fair which put the rah in Exetah
Anyone for a midday Tarquin’s G and T?
We’ve all heard the stereotypes of Exetaah: the rah, the Schöffels, the Fiat 500 girls and the university campus being the signet ring capital of the UK. But are these really true? You may be fooled, coming back to Exeter in September, thinking it can’t really be that bad as you look at the normal looking student houses, the variety of joggers and sliders and the campus looking fairly standard. Surely it must be an exaggeration?
Unfortunately not, it turns out as these five things from the Freshers’ Fair proved that Exeter really is the rah-est uni around:
1. The Tarquin’s Gin tent
Apparently we’re still on holiday mode at Exeter, whipping out the Gin and Tonics at 11 am – start as you mean to go on I guess? To be fair, I wouldn’t turn down a bit of Dutch courage to help me get through Freshers’ – or to get me through 8:30s for that matter!
2. The actual boat in the Forum
Thanks to the Sailing Society, Exeter students were treated to an actual boat in the Forum – we’re not quite sure if it’s a holiday trinket brought back from someone’s summer jaunt in the South of France or whether it was brought by the club with a good chunk of their £100+ yearly membership fee. Either way, not something you see everyday.
3. The Tom’s Trunks stand
Is there anything that goes better with a pair of Tom’s Trunks than a mullet? A signet ring perhaps? Tom’s Trunks are universally adored by Exetah students – no wonder there was a queue snaking back to Blackwells for the chance of a free bucket hat or a 10 per cent discount.
4. The branded Shooting Society condoms
The rah-est of them all. It’s not enough for Exeter to have a shooting society, they’ve gone one step further to take the crown of class: personalised condoms. Clearly, paternity and pregnancy tests have no place in Shooting Soc, but don’t worry that doesn’t mean they don’t know how to party.
5. The Economist stand
Exeter is positively brimming with wannabe bankers, and apparently The Economist came running. Lucky really for most third years who are desperately trying to decide on a respectable career, despite the Drama and English degree, and who would willing to trade TP Friday tickets for an internship or grad scheme at this point.
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