This is the spookiest edition of Fashion in the Forum
You might have trouble sleeping after seeing some of these fits…
It’s that time of year again when TP and Fever become infested with Playboy bunnies, pirates, and the classic banana costume worn by flavourless rugby boys: Halloween. Despite these costumes being a classic for your average student, they fail to give any WOW-factor (sincere apologies, but we suggest that you try harder next time). The costumes that truly stood out this year were those that went above and beyond into the niche of pop culture: Magic Mike, Van Gogh, and even the cost of living crisis – truly terrifying. So, if you REALLY want to impress next Halloween, take some inspiration from this lot…
Alfie @alfie.porteous, Charis @_charis, Pascale @Pascale._.Watkins, and Alexander @plixpalmtree
One word: flawless. This group provided a serious slay – and not just because they took inspiration from The Tab with their cost of living crisis costume. This outfit had us trembling with fear at the current gas and electricity prices – the perfect thing to be reminded of when you’re midway through an extortionate Venom at TP. But, that didn’t stop them from also serving us with the beauty of Van Gogh, a beauty which lasted for a whole two seconds due to a can of soup…cough cough. Sorry sunflowers, the tomato soup killed the aesthetic, but we appreciate the intention. What really stands out with both of these outfits is the sheer effort that went into them: they truly are a work of art (pun intended).
Flo @flo_henderson.x and Phoebe @phoebe.lambert_
Although this costume didn’t have the wit of the previous group’s efforts, this Alice in Wonderland theme certainly stood out amongst the sea of Playboy bunnies. Not only is it cute, but it remains slutty, which we all know is the key aspect to any Halloween costume. We have to admit, Helena Bonham Carter and Johnny Depp never looked so good.
Holly @hollygrimison and Millie @milliehuckins
Now, THIS is an iconic duo. Forget sexy, these girls have done Halloween right. If you’re sick of the usual fishnet tights, corsets and cat ears, this is the way forward. Why impress your crush with sex appeal when you can show them your personality instead? No better way to celebrate the night than with some good old fashioned enemies.
Fraser @fraserupton5
Fraser, we suggest you get in touch with Holly and Millie to complete your look: where was your yellow face paint? A banana? We feel that your outfit lacks some pizzazz but appreciate the lollipop from Fever – keeping it real.
Georgina @georginaimckay, Izzy @iizzyarmitage, Hannah @hannahb.olt, Maya @_mayajoseph, and Hattie @hattie.cooke
Although it seems Magic Mike was a popular choice this year, few have the viral TikTok to showcase it (@geptherep) and their rock solid abs, which they’ve clearly worked very hard for. We’ll ride your pony any time.
Aran @xarantal
Perhaps the most frightening costume in the whole of Exeter, we present to you: the rugby boy on a TP Wednesday. Nothing says I’ll sleep with you then ghost you quite like a pair of chinos paired with a blue shirt and tie. We recommend not coming into more than a two metre radius of this creature, if you wish to avoid a feeling of soul crushing resentment. Aran, not only because you may have taken inspiration from The Tab, but because you have truly ripped into the Exetah culture, we salute you.
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