Exeter lives to slay another day in the top 20 UK universities 2024
Grab yourself Impy’s cheapest and let’s make a conBRAGulatory toast
Exeter University has ranked 18th out of 122 in the Guardian University Guide 2024, with an average score of 69.7 per cent. Such a shame to be 0.7 off the perfect number.
A big shout out to our FOMO-enduring alumni who have kept following The Exeter Tab since graduating. Thanks to the insights of these come-and-gone final-year students via the National Student Survey, The Guardian was able to evaluate the following categories to find Exeter University’s average score: the quality of teaching and feedback, student-to-staff ratio, money spent on each student, the UCAS scores of silly fresh and a mystery-prize “value added score”(not that mysterious, just difficult to word). Additionally, The Guardian also analysed the percentage of graduates with grad-level jobs after fifteen months and the percentage of students that continue into second year.
The highlights for The University of Exeter were its quality of teaching, ranked independently at 19th, percentage of employed graduates, ranked 15th and the first-year continuation mark, ranked 13th. Comforting to know that something about our cardiac-inducing campus encourages 96.2 per cent of us to hang about (pretty sure it’s a right of passage to grow a second year mullet).
Nonsensically, how superior a university’s rugby club is doesn’t contribute to average scores since Loughborough has wildly maintained its number 10 spot from 2023 on the leaderboard. Through gritted teeth, I admit that Exeter slipped three down from its 2023 placement but in all honesty, it’s not like we wanted the tryhard reputation anyway.
Additionally however, Exeter ranks highest in The Guardian Guide for subjects such as engineering, zoology and earth sciences, and psychology. A huge win for St Luke’s campus!
Plus, if the sight of 18th out of 122 doesn’t make you feel like an Exeter girl spotting white linen trousers on sale, then maybe you’ll appreciate that the Complete University Guide 2024 currently ranks Exeter 15th out of 130 universities, having made a four spot climb from 19th in 2023. Look at that, no crumbs are being left from our Pret toasties whatsoever.
The Complete University Guide also shows Exeter University in the top 10 for 18 subjects, ranging from economics to Italian, from history to sports science.
Exeter has consistently landed in the top 20 best UK universities in both Guardian and Complete University Guide leaderboards. Safe to say: Exeter is an icon, Exeter is a legend and Exeter is the moment, now come on now.
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