Meet the candidates running for Health Vice-President

Let’s talk counselling service

Why should we vote for you?

Farwa Nauman: I have been directly involved with the health faculty leads of MSA, BSA, Dental Council, IOPPN Forum and Florence Nightingale Forum, and understand the needs, limitations and strengths of each faculty.

Yousef El-T: Knowing the SU inside out, firstly as an NUS delegate and now as a trustee, I have seen where the union does a good job and where it fails students, and will hit the job running to make the student experience the best it can be!

Claudia Greaves:  I will be an officer that listens and works with you, to make sure student’s voices are heard.

Name one skill that will help you in this position:

Farwa Nauman: I am a problem solving, communicative leader, which is necessary for this role as I will need to directly communicate with students, think of solutions and make the changes.

Yousef El-T: I love talking to people, whether they are first year nursing students or the dean of the medical school; I’ll make sure the student voice reverberates through the whole university!

Claudia Greaves: Having been a member of student staff at the union for two years, I have played a role in supporting the officers in their work, and have knowledge of all aspects of the union and how it operates.

What’s the first thing you’ll change as VP (Health)?

Farwa Nauman: First thing I wish to change if I get elected is to begin working on improving mental health support provisions at King’s.

Yousef El-T: I will challenge the university on the appalling lack of financial support for struggling students, focusing on increasing the living bursary, hardship funding & exploring different avenues of financial support.

Claudia Greaves: The first thing I will change if I am elected is improving the quality of feedback and communication received by students; making sure any changes made to curriculums or exams are given with fair warning and implemented at an appropriate speed.

King’s counselling has a bad reputation, how will you hold them to account?

Farwa Nauman: I will hold counselling to account by directly improving and renewing some training with the staff as the quality should improve before quantity.

Yousef El-T: Firstly, I will collate complaints of the counselling service then work with Chris Shelley (director of student services) to ensure not only is the feedback heard but that a roadmap for improvement is put in place for students.

Claudia Greaves:  I don’t think holding them to account for anything will be useful or necessary, but I will definitely work with them to make positive changes to improve the service they provide.