Lancaster University reduces campus accommodation fees
A statement has been released
In a statement today, Lancaster University has confirmed that on-campus accommodation fees, and fees for those living at Chancellor’s Wharf will be either reduced or waived, depending on different criteria.
If the occupant has already returned their keys and has fully vacated their room by 4th May, then the university has said that 100 percent of the fees will be reduced for the period between April 17th to the end of the rental period.
Where students have left campus, but have not fully vacated their room then some reductions will also be granted.
This news comes after hundreds of students pledged to participate on the rent strike over the past few weeks.

The tenants’ union, ACORN, organised the rent strike
The university’s full accommodation statement reads: “The following fee reductions for University accommodation will apply:
i) Accommodation fee reductions for rooms already fully vacated and keys handed back to the University (by 4 May) will be applied at 100% for the period 17 April 2020 to July (precise dates vary by room contract).
ii) Rooms will continue to be charged at a significantly reduced rate of only 25% if they are unoccupied but not yet fully vacated and keys are lodged with the University by 4 May.
iii) Students will have the opportunity to give 28 days’ notice of intention to vacate in order to qualify for 75% reduction for 28 days and 100% reduction for the remaining period to July (dependant on contract end date). Students will return their keys by post (by 4 May) and then vacate the room when it is safe to do so once travel restrictions are lifted. We will continue to store personal items of the occupants in their rooms until travel restrictions allow you to return. As per ii) above, the University would also reduce the rate to 25% if the room is unoccupied during this period of notice.”
The university then added: “We understand that for many of our students it is a time of financial concern, as many have been working part-time and are now unable to do so. We hope our decision to waive accommodation payments helps ease the financial burden at this challenging time.
The university’s full response can be found here.