VOTE: Who is Lancaster’s best Youtuber?
Who really is Lancs’ best Youtube star?
We are back, yet again, for a final instalment of Lancaster’s best Youtubers. While in lockdown, what else is there to do other than binge watch random Youtube videos while eating ice cream and procrastinating from attending your online lectures? But The Lancs Tab have compiled a list of the top Lancs Youtube channels to make watching Youtube in your pyjamas all day seem a little bit more meaningful.
Previously in the Lancaster Youtube saga, we ranked the best Lancs Youtubers that you should be watching in lockdown part one and part two. But now, after you have had time to binge watch them all, we are here to give you the chance to vote for your favourite Lancs Youtube channel. From the top three channels in both articles, we have made a new list of the best of the best, for you to vote at the end for who you think deserves the title of Lancaster’s best Youtuber. Let the battle commence!
Frodo Stickit
From the first article, Frodo Stickit came in third place but is now fighting for the top spot on this list. He has 671 subscribers and his channel has a range of different content, from impressions, motivation and yearly recaps. With purely relatable and humorous content, the channel does not disappoint, with videos such as “So my life is a mess”. Frodo’s relatable title had us sold. He is truly an iconic uni student with a stash of alcohol bottles lines up on his wall. What can we say, we stan the commitment to make everyone aware of his love for the sesh.
Hibah Mirza
Next we have Hibah Mirza, a medic student at Lancs uni who posts Q&As, a week in the life of a medic student and vlogs. Her latest video is her showing off her collection of trainers, such as Nike Air Force ones, Airforce X off-whites and Jordans. An impressive collection, but a massive flex. She posts a lot of videos about life as a medic student, however all her videos are worth a watch to any student.
The Beta Males
So next up, from article one, is The Beta Males, with the best Youtube name there is. No alphas here, just betas, a good representation of all boys from Pendle. Now the only video on this channel is “Are You Smarter Than A 10 Year Old? Lancaster Students Vs Locals” but it is worth the watch. This video challenges locals vs Lancs uni students on their general knowledge. A great form of entertainment and nostalgia as you see Alex square in the background and long to be back on campus again.
Willanator has the highest subscriber count on this list with an impressive 267k subscribers! His channel mainly consists of Tik Tok compilations. So if binge watching hours of Tik Tok videos is how you are currently spending your time in quarantine, definitely check out this channel for the funniest content. The most popular video on this channel titled “Perfectly cut Minecraft screams” has reached an astounding 8.8 million views! Mind Blown.
Rachel Lord
Rachel earned herself the top spot in the first review, but it is now up to you as to whether she claims the title for best Lancaster Youtuber. Her videos revolve around mental health, travel, uni and music. A lot of her videos are very personal, as she discusses matters that are about her daily struggles with OCD and depression. She also posts vlogs such as going to L.A. and Disneyland, which is a big flex. She has a refreshing, bold personality. But is she the best Youtuber on campus?
Charlie Colette
Last but not least we have Charlie Colette, who won the top spot in the second review. Her channel revolves around her life as a student, giving advice on studying, motivation and tips and tricks of how to cope with uni life. With a wide range of videos, there are hours upon hours of content to watch about life at Lancaster.
After binge watching all the Youtube channels, who do you believe deserves the title of Lancaster’s best Youtuber? Vote below to have your say.