Club of the week: The Raz
The Tab reviews some Liverpool’s most popular stop-off points and destinations on a night crammed full of booze-fuelled debauchery and mayhem. First up, The Raz…
When I arrived in Liverpool I spent many a long night and a ridiculous amount of money in places I really wish I hadn’t.
There were times when I was extremely close to committing ‘student suicide’ – calling it a night at 12, going back to my room with a cup of coffee, my (ever so slightly uncomfortable) bed, and last week’s episode of Facejacker on 4OD. The following day’s jeers of ‘lightweight’ and ‘down it fresher’ seemed almost worth putting up with, if it meant escaping with my dignity intact.
Liverpool is bursting with bars and clubs to suit people of all tastes. The Tab has put together a list of a few popular student destinations on a night crammed full of debauchery and mayhem. Have a read and who knows, it could save you from the fate I suffered in my first few weeks of University. This week…
Blue Angel (The Raz)
Known to most as The Raz, Blue Angel sits on Seel Street and is Liverpool’s very own place of worship for those who follow the religion of tastelessness. That may seem like a damning remark – enough to put anyone off – however, The Raz is without a doubt the best place to go if what you’re after is a cheap night out. When I say cheap, I mean insanely cheap; offering drinks for as little as 50p, or 90p a pint. If your aim is to go out and not remember the night before the next day, then this is definitely the club for you. What’s more, The Raz was recently voted one of the easiest places to pull in Britain. Ladies and Gents, you’re on to a winner.
The Venue: Hot, sweaty, and spanning two storeys with three separate dance floors, there’s plenty of room to strut your stuff to the likes of Steps, S-club 7, and the kings of ‘cheese’, The Village People. The Raz was first opened in the 1960s and you wouldn’t be alone in thinking that this was the last time they decorated; but with drinks that cheap, who cares?
Which night to go? You’ll soon find out that Monday night is Raz Night. This without a doubt accounts for the shocking attendance levels for Tuesday morning lectures, which has since become a long running joke between students and the professors.
The Tab’s Verdict: As a venue that once played host to the likes of The Beatles in the 1960s, I’m sure Lennon and Harrison would be turning in their graves at the sound of some of the music The Raz insists on playing today. Having said that, if you’re on a budget and don’t take yourself too seriously, it’s well worth checking out. A word of advice though, don’t turn up sober, you’ll immediately lose all faith you once had in humanity, along with your own will to live, and be faced with the sinking realisation that a you’re a £10 cab ride away from your nice, warm bed.
“Delightfully tacky,” 4 stars
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Next week, The Krazyhouse…