Sorry Livers: AU is Back!

After a summer of recovery, the start of a new term means only one thing: AU antics are back.


Prepare yourself for another messy year of team rivalry, ridiculous fancy dress and sights you’d rather forget.

The first Wednesday of every month brings the biggest piss up on campus – guaranteed. Combine Liverpool’s reputation for a cheap night out with AU drinks deals and just pray you don’t have nine o’clock lectures on a Thursday.

For all you Freshers out there, I assure you, you’ll have never experienced anything quite like it: we’re talking ultimate chaos around Concert Square, followed by one big, juicy burger around 4a.m., and a prescription of pills and a soothing cup of tea around 3p.m. the next day when you finally climb from the pit you call your bedroom, feeling like what I can only describe as death.

Compulsory fancy dress makes AU what it is.  This year, The Tab are launching a weekly ‘Best Fancy Dress,’ along with being there every step of the way to report on all the booze-crazed mayhem and expose all the embarrassing pics.

Legendary themes of previous years include:

  • March 2012: Lindt Bunnies, Cheerleaders
  • October 2011: Rubix Cube, Volleyball
  • February 2012: Pokemon, Karate

Watch out for the initiations and, please, try not to sleep with anybody belonging to the arch -enemy!

Put all other socials on one side, AU is not to be missed.