Meat Is Murder

JAMES STRATTON believes that Liverpool University is forcing us to do something morally wrong. Do you agree?

The modern world is manipulated by media controlled marketing, false reasoning and poisoned traditional beliefs that have led us to create the biggest problem that exists in our society; animal exploitation. The purpose of this article, however, is first to examine the reasons as to why animal eating is blatantly wrong, and then to look at the difficulties with which I, as a student at the University of Liverpool, have been forced to become a vegetarian as opposed to vegan despite my strong moral objections.


Without engaging in too much of a controversy I will say that, we, as human beings, are one hundred per cent biologically herbivorous, which means that we are not supposed to eat meat. However, the term vegan, which ultimately is what we naturally are, does not just involve forbidding meat eating, but all animal products such as milk, cheese and eggs. Eating these is morally wrong and despite the portrayal in the media, and by governmental bodies and education, they are actually dangerous to our body. The bottom line is, cows produce milk for their offspring and not for us! Have you ever seen a giraffe, lion or bear drinking milk from a cow? No, because it is not for them, as much as it is not for us. People consume more eggs than any other animal product out there, yet nobody thinks to ask themselves what they are actually eating. An egg, believe it or not, is one thing and one thing only; a period. You wouldn’t eat a woman’s period so why would you eat a chicken’s? To circle back to my main point, we are blinded to the truth by our traditions, the media and our own unjust reasoning.

Like eating a period?

With all this in mind, in addition to countless other reasons, I took it upon myself to become a vegan. This journey, however, soon ceased when I realised that unless I wanted to starve or destroy my body with junk, it would not be possible to survive on our campus on a healthy vegan diet. As a student of languages I spend the majority of my time in the Cypress Café. Usually at lunchtime students head to the nearest shop, Tesco, and grab a sandwich there. There is not, however, any sandwiches whatsoever that Tesco have which cater for vegans. Even when you avoid the meat sandwiches, they are still interspersed with either eggs or cheese. My next option then would be to head towards the Sydney Jones Café, where surprise surprise, the same scenario exists; cheese and egg in everything. The only option left would be to get a bun or a biscuit otherwise I cannot eat here either. So then after my trek around campus I usually end up back in the Cypress Café, with a rumbling stomach, contemplating how I am ever supposed to survive this. The whole ordeal usually ends with me walking over to the vending machine and buying a packet of crisps or some chocolate. What kind of diet is this?!

Due to University’s lack of consideration for, quite frankly, what is right, I am forced to eat either eggs or milk on a day-to-day basis, which potentially does more damage to my body than meat! At least in doing so I am not killing any animals.

Or am I?