The Tab joined the Circus Society
We juggled our skills with the Circus gang
We’ll be honest with you, we instantly thought of freaky people with scary tattoos and awkward piercings just as you probably did. But if you take the time to go and meet everyone there, you will see just how wrong we are. We had an amazing time.
The University of Liverpool Circus Society has been running for five years and they are not performance based, even though they have done performances in the past.
It was started by Paul Jubb, a guy that thinks nothing of juggling with screwdrivers and knives, as well as a ridiculous number of balls. They simply go to the Guild every week because they love it. And as Rebecca, the pro with the flower sticks told us, it’s just “something different.”
The list of things they do are endless, or at least to the external eye it is. To name just a few in this casual, relaxing atmosphere you can learn how to juggle, hula hoop, roller blade, flower stick, rubix cube, balance various objects, levi stick…there are so many! And John, the current president runs workshops on how to do many of these things most weeks.
The Tab was shown how to do ‘basic’ juggling and founder Paul casually showed us how to fling them in the air. It looked so effortless; it was deceiving.
Our versions of his skill were not quite so impressive however. Any more than two balls and they were on the floor….
They even introduced us to the “gay one”, where two of the members put arms round each others backs and each juggled the balls with one hand each. Ridiculous.
Next we came across Rebecca with some flower sticks. For anyone who doesn’t know what these are, they are two sticks with tassels on the end that you use to balance and catch another stick with. Needless to say, Rebecca made it look easy but it was deceptive…
Josh, an architecture student was flipping and twisting a fire staff – minus the fire of course – with what to our mature eyes looked professional. It was only when we went up and spoke to him about it that we found out that he had been learning and practicing this skill for a massive, humungous…two weeks.
Not to be put off, we all had a go at this, too. But no, the natural skill wasn’t there, it would probably take us closer to two years.
Sam, our trusty Tab team member however did manage to hack it – quite impressively we might add. Although we had already seen a circus talent emerging in him, this definitely sealed the deal.
Dave, across the room meanwhile was lifting and flipping three balls filled with salt on tennis rackets. Of course. Dave was ranked the 32nd best juggler in the country in an internet poll and has juggled for over twenty years. He’s not a student here but the atmosphere and people are that welcoming he comes here every week.
One of our favourites however has to be Luana. She is a hula hoop master, and she is so graceful and impressive, we watched her in action for a good long while. Dressed for the occasion, she showed us what whole nights of practicing and classes in Cardiff has taught her; it was spectacular.
She introduced us – clearly sensing our previous failures and the little probability of us being able to work a hoop – to a levi stick. If you don’t know what one is, get one and be amazed. It was the one skill Becky managed to hack, claiming it’s like “Dj-ing in the air!”
The effect of this is to make it look like the stick is moving around in the air by, well…..magic.
The Circus Society kept us amused for well over the scheduled hour, and if you’re even a little bit tempted to go and join in, do it; you wouldn’t regret it, we promise.
If you a member of a society and wish us to come and see you, email [email protected] and we’ll give you a visit!