Not so safe anymore

Shocking stats reveal Liverpool to have the highest rate of domestic abuse in the country

Despite being voted Britain’s second safest city, Liverpool’s rate of domestic violence is the highest in the country.

More than 100 people took to Liverpool on Sunday campaigning against domestic violence

More than a fifth of 999 calls to Merseyside police are related to domestic violence, making Liverpool the most abusive city in the country.

Figures show that 1.2 million women suffer from domestic violence every year, with domestic abuse accounting for 21.2% of all 999 calls across the country between April 2010 and April 2012.

On Sunday, 100 women took to the streets of Liverpool in support of International End Violence Against Women Day.

It comes as the newly elected Police and Crime Commissioner for Merseyside, Jane Kennedy, calls for a fight against forced marriages in order to highlight domestic abuse.

Detective Superintendent Tim Keelan, from Merseyside Police’s Public Protection Unit, said:

“Domestic abuse is terrible and damaging crime and one that the police and other agencies out there are keen to reduce as much as possible.”