Computer says no

Essay deadlines are approaching, stress is mounting, and the university’s computer system breaks down.

Tuesday afternoon saw many anxious students panic when the university’s computing service once again broke down.

The break in the computing service resulted in students being unable to log on to the university network, as well as loosing access to M: and other network drives.

The university’s storage system was unable to cope with the high level of demand at that period.

Tuesday afternoon saw the storage system reach capacity, leaving the university no choice but to reboot the system.

It was the time taken to restore the service after this reboot that led to the break in service.

The university has today apologised for the inconvenience.

All students received an email saying:

“We are constantly monitoring the service and taking action to balance the load on the hardware but occasionally, as in yesterday’s case, we are unable to avoid performance issues.”

They continued:

“We apologise for these breaks in service as no matter how infrequently they occur we know they always cause anxiety and inconvenience to you. Please be assured we take these breaks very seriously.”

A new service is said to be ready by March 2013 in order to prevent further disruptions.