Mum’s the word

Shit, Mother’s Day is on Sunday. Better send it Special Delivery.


It’s in two days, and the loan’s been in your account for two months. You’re just going to have to show your mum how much you love her with something you’ve already got.

Coffee Shop Loyalty Card

Look ma, decent coffee!


Why the fuck is there always soap in my room?

Hot Chocolate

They might even be on offer in Tesco at the moment – you could get three!

Your Favourite T-Shirt

Who wouldn’t want one of these?


This is how they package things nowadays, roomy, gives it space to breathe.

Light-Up Bird

I don’t know why I have this in my bedroom, but it’s kinda cool, so I think I’ll keep it.


So stylish! So practical!

Your Gym Membership

Because someone might as well use it

Empty Bottle of Vodka

It’s a vase, I swear.

Annotated Novel

Just to prove that you’re a studious angel, who is at university for all the right reasons.

Chewing Gum

Well, it’s the thought that counts…

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