Toilet Crap-fitti
Inspirational words for when you’re having a piss.
As if sending in anonymous messages to the various “spotted” pages wasn’t enough, The Tab have looked into the other various ways Liverpool students have been expressing themselves.
Taking place mainly on the bog, we have captured some of Liverpool’s finest educated musings scribbled onto whatever surface they can find.
The library is of course a place for discussion and enlightenment, so where else to discuss contraception than in the SJ toilets – apparently that’s the fitter of the two libraries anyway!
Sex-Ed in the Sydney Jones
Particularly striking is the Dali-esque representation of a condom, giving a visual example for those too dumb to read.
You might use the toilet as a chance to make important political commentary on current affairs:
The toilet is always a thrilling arena for debate.
Overwhelmingly successful are the negative scribbles. Whether it’s slamming a course or university:
If you can call Hope a University.
Making an “Ironic” statement…
Or General Comments about the shit-side of Liverpool:
The Tab prefers the ones that make you smile – and not just at the fact somebody actually went to the effort to write on a wall. Who carries a sharpie everywhere?
Who wouldn’t rather have a Troll over exams? Hogwarts, anyone?
And just to brighten up your night when you feel drunk and insecure in The Shipping Forecast…
Adapted from the famous modern philosopher… Aguilera.
So, in those darkest hours of procrastination spent in the library, exams and mainly the toilet, look around Liverpool for some of these words of wisdom and maybe add some of your own.
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For more UoL Toilet graffiti fun, take a look at Toilet Humour