Staff to strike again

Lecturers and service staff plan to strike again


Liverpool Uni staff will be striking again as the row over pay continues.

Having striked once already this semester, staff are set to walk out once again if the “pay row is not resolved”.

Four unions across the county, including Liverpool, have announced they plan to strike on Tuesday, December 3rd, affecting universities nationwide.

UPDATE Tuesday, December 3:

Today’s strike involves both academic staff and service staff, as part of a national strike – tomorrow’s strike is only for service staff, due to a local issue. So if you were looking forward to another day of postponed lectures tomorrow, sorry to disappoint.

UPDATE Friday, November 29 at 11:07am:

Staff now plan to strike for TWO days next week on both Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th.

The strikes are thought to involve picketing of teaching rooms as well as of university buildings, including the library.

Last time the strikes fell on Halloween, giving many students a free day to nurse their post-Medication hangover.

This time the strike is planned for a Tuesday, so make the most of your bonus day.  The Tab recommends:

  • Hitting up Camel/Raz/Aura and getting leathered* on Monday, then spending all of Tuesday in bed
  • Nipping into town for a head start on the Crimbo shopping
  • Joining the picket line with your favourite pet
  • Setting up a cake stall to nourish those angry strikers and make a few bob whilst you’re there

With a third day of strikes now in line for the Wednesday, students have yet ANOTHER day to occupy themselves with.

Since Tuesday nights can be a bit dead, The Tab would like to make going hard on Monday night compulsory, with the obligatory hangover day scheduled for the Tuesday.

Then with the bonus day off on Wednesday, you still have plenty of time to get your Crimbo shopping done.

The chaos that will inevitably descend might be a bit too much for a hangover, so avoid University Square, the library and St George’s Hall.

If you want somewhere a bit more peaceful, the math’s building proved a serene environment last time.

*please drink responsibly.

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