UoL one of the UK’s top 100 gay friendly employers
The University of Liverpool has been named one of Stonewall’s Top 100 gay friendly employers.
The University of Liverpool has been named one of the country’s most gay friendly employers for the second year running.
The Stonewall Workplace Equality Index- a specialist Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual charity – ranked the university 57th overall, and 2nd in the Russell Group.
Liverpool scored 162 points in the review, an increase of 10 points from 2013.
The ranking is based on the university’s involvement in several key areas, including:
- engagement with Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual staff and students
- staff training and development
- community engagement
Liverpool John Moore’s University came 25th in Stonewall’s Top 100 employers, and Cardiff University took 52nd place.
The university’s LGBT Staff and Postgraduate Network was recognised by the charity as one of its ‘Star Perfomer Network Groups’ – and employee network group that makes an invaluable contribution to the experience of LGB staff.
Dr Alan Greaves, Chair of the LGBT Staff and Postgraduate Network, said: “It’s good to know you work in an organisation that is so committed to workplace diversity. It makes you feel supported, accepted and respected – whoever you are and whatever you have to offer.
“Many University departments have hosted their own LGBT awareness events as part of our Flagship initiative which we are delighted has been recognised by Stonewall.
“Through open public events such as film showings and our Gay History Month lectures we aim to share an understanding of gay history and culture with our colleagues and community”.
UoL Pro-Vice Chancellor Professor Kelvin Everest, our Senior Diversity Champion, said: “The improvement in the University’s ranking is a reflection of our commitment to creating a University where everyone can thrive and benefit from equality of opportunity.”