The Tab goes out with volleyball

The Tab tests out another teams’ messy social at this week’s AU.

Another AU night and another team’s social for The Tab to sample. This time we were fortunate enough to be invited to Volleyball’s AU pre-drinks.

Some were delighted by the very prospect

The theme was ‘Noah’s Ark’ so the pre-drinks was full of pairs of tigers, exotic birds and majestic elephants (of which there were three for some reason).

Noah and his flock

All were led by the magnificently dressed Noah – better known as Nazir Accad of Harlem Shake fame – into a game of beer pong to kick things off.

Noah had a talent for beer pong

Everyone was pre-drinking hard to avoid spending money in Aura so it got quite messy with tears, a fair amount of vomit and your reporter setting his hair alight while trying to light a fag on the hob.

Meanwhile, one of the elephants was so clumsy at beer pong he managed to break a radiator.

Clumsy fool

Naughty Noah

Although this social was rowdy and a lot of fun, Volleyball Social Sec Catherine Reid says it wasn’t always like this.  She said: “No one from the team used to ever go to AU nights – I’d always just end up ringing my friends and going with them! But this year there’s a really good group of us that always make an effort and it’s always a laugh.”

Thumbs up if you’re a BNOC

Despite this team’s humble beginnings, other members were just as enthusiastic.  Member James Doran said: “socials just take all the seriousness out of playing a university sport and its always a good laugh with your team mates.”

Nazir added: “having AU nights and social outings bring all of us together and make us a close bunch of friends, practically family.”

Animal onesie – the last resort of fancy dress

With enough cheap booze consumed, the team set out to Walkabout to be confronted with oompa-loompas, shocking 80s outfits, and a slightly excessive amount of men dressed as women.

The Tab’s own Andrew Griffiths in his 80s gear

Decent photo bomb

In all the volleyball team threw a great social – especially impressive considering their social side is a relatively new development – and AU night was as chaotic as ever.

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