We’ve done it! The Tab Liverpool gets a million hits

After launching in September 2012, The Tab Liverpool has reached 1 MILLION page views.

The Tab Liverpool, which launched in September 2012, had its millionth hit just after 4pm today.

This iconic event was achieved after final year Law student Steph Barton clicked on the site at 4.04pm.

Steph, an avid reader of the site, was delighted to have taken us to this milestone.  She said: “I love how relevant to uni life The Tab is. The stories are so funny and made for students.” She will be presented with a Tab t-shirt.

The Tab team

The site, which has a weekly average of 20,000 unique readers, has come along way since its launch.

Over the months, we’ve brought you some of Liverpool’s biggest stories, such as:

Our former Culture ed, Becky Martin, with Deputy ed Sam Spencer and Co-editor Catherine Reid.

Doug Bolton, co-Editor, is chuffed with the achievement.  He said: “Obviously the response from the readers has been amazing, and we wouldn’t be here without them. Hopefully we’ll have even bigger and better stories over the course of the next million.”

The Tab has often divided students over important topics, such as where the best takeaway is.

The answer is obviously Chesters

Over the past 18 months it has provided students across Liverpool with ample procrastination material, and there’s still more to come.

Stay tuned by liking us on Facebook and following us on Twitter.  Want to be a part of this? Join us!