Activists go AWOL on International Women’s Day

Protesters chain themselves to building on IWD, protesting sexual inequality in government cuts

A group of women chained themselves to the railings of Liverpool Town Hall on International Women’s Day protesting government cuts.

Women around Liverpool gathered in resistance to these local and government cuts that disproportionately affect women.

Many donned a Suffragette costume and used direct action tactics to emphasise the enduring lack of female representation in government policy.

These women should be seen AND heard

The demonstrators held speeches, chanted and sang before appealing to the public, asking them to leave a message for the council on brown labels.

Protestors eloquently expressed their opinions and tied them to surrounding fences

The main rally took place at St. Luke’s church, attracting a fair amount of attention but adopting a less militant approach.

A Suffragette in training

In Liverpool Mayor Joe Anderson and the Labour council have enforced cuts to services largely accessed by women. This week, £42m was cut in adult social care, affecting a work force which is predominately female throughout the country.

Wise words from this young lady

However, before becoming mayor, Joe Anderson wore a pair of red stilettos in opposition to violence against women.

AWOL (Angry Women of Liverpool), a feminist group dedicated to tackling the cuts, organised the event and meet on the first Monday of every month.

Hats off to these inspiring women

You can follow their actions on their Blog or Twitter.