No make-up nomination: the new craze where women post selfies without any slap on
New “nominate” trend willing women everywhere to lay it bare and go without make-up
Thousands of young women are posting photos of themselves without any make-up in a new craze sweeping Facebook.
No Make Up Nomination calls for the “victim” to bare all in a selfie without make-up (and usually without an Instagram filter).
Many female students often think that they have to wear make-up, and the thought of going au naturelle unless you’re hungover can be scary. Especially when faced with an onslaught of abuse.
The Tab’s own investigations show that removing that mask isn’t all bad and, if No Make Up Nominations catches on, Maybelline’s stocks could fall dramatically.
Brock Tinsley, a small time rock ‘n’ roll star from Canada says he started the craze as a joke:
He told The Tab: “After seeing what seemed like the hundredth selfie on my newsfeed of girls posting pictures without make-up, I went to twitter to nominate my guy friends. The main reason why men were excluded in the first place is not lost on me, but I figured men taking #nomakeupnomination photos would be good, clean fun…”
Brock said didn’t expect the hashtag to catch on but thinks it has the potential to boost women’s personal body image.
He said: “Well, even if nominations vanished altogether, society’s need for peer-approved, self-congratulatory bullshit won’t. So if girls want to keep perpetuating positive self-image, that’s fine.
“I think people enjoy nominations due to being put in a position of power or influence. In their minds, they are bestowing someone with the exclusive right to document some menial challenge or activity, like it’s some big, fucking honour. Our parent’s worst fears will come true when #bridgenominations appear and everybody nominates their friends to jump of a cliff.”
So are No Make Up Nominations really about promoting a positive body image or a glorified form of showing off? Any form of nomination preys on the vain and those who are open to peer pressure – as we have seen with the lethal consequences of Neknominate.
However, this movement can promote a healthy body image for women, without the constraints of feeling makeup is a necessity. And many women say they are taking part to raise awareness about breast cancer.
Helen Easton, a second year Veterinary student said: “The only time I could take one was in the morning or just before bed because I’d never leave the house without it on.”
The newest creation has been met with a fair amount of hostility – so who knows how long it will stick around for.