Ten reasons you should live at home whilst you’re at uni
Homesickness is a real issue for students but not for this girl. She gets all the benefits of being at uni, with all the comforts of living with mum and dad. Here’s ten reasons to live at home…
We’ve all had those moments, where we’ve moved away from our parents, thinking “Great! I can go out drinking every night without them bothering me! I can have friends round without them bothering me! My boyfriend can stay over without any hassle!”
But then there comes that moment -like you get the flu, and all you really want is to be at home, in front of the fire, with your mum bringing you cups of tea and soup. Or you’re coming to the end of march, your loan is running out, you don’t get any more till April and you’re living on tesco value bread, beans, and vodka.
Then there’s those nights that you go on because you’ve got nothing else to do, you get rained on in your short skirt or thin top, you’re freezing cold, so you wave goodbye to your flatmates and call it a night because you have a 9am lecture in the morning. There’s some drunken mess on the stairs of Grand Central, right before your flat, being dragged up the stairs by his mates, singing at the top of his lungs, complaining that he doesn’t want to go home even though YOU’RE the one that’s just trodden in his sick.
So here are 10 reasons why living at home is so great:
1. Home cooked meals.
Sick of living off pot noodles and Tesco value meals and tins? Not a problem if you live with your mum and dad and, more importantly, your mum’s cooking!
Roast EVERY Sunday
2. The MASSIVE amount of clothes space.
Ever had that dilemma where you can’t find something to wear and you’ve left half your clothes at your mum and dads? Not if you live at home.
No need to live out of your suitcase here
3. A room that you can decorate however you want.
Sick of the white walls and the peeling posters and the mug stains that you really just can’t be arsed cleaning? Try having your mum help decorate your room, however you want. New furniture? No problem. Pretty wallpaper? Sure, honey.
You know those blu-tak marks will lose you your deposit!
4. Your parents are on hand to buy the food, giving you more drinking funds.
Everyone thinks living on their own is fantastic until you’re getting excited about another night out, you check your bank balance – yay you have enough money for it! Then you go to the fridge… uh oh!
Welcome to my crib
5. No drunken messes to come home to at the end of the night (siblings don’t count, it’s their job to embarrass you).
Okay we all know that getting messy after a night in the K is a given for students in liverpool, but don’t you occasionally get sick of that guy passed out on the stairs lying in his own sick?
The last person you want to bump into on your way home
6. No/ drastically less rent (again more drinking funds).
Everyone knows that student living companies are robbing bastards… and your parents are not. They still want you to have a life and see your friends and everything!
Shots galore
7. Having a garden to have BBQ’s in instead of revising for those goddamn exams.
So you’ve nearly finished for the year, the sun is shining, all you want to do is go outside and drink with your friends, and have a bbq, not be stuck inside in the same 4 walls you’ve been looking at since September. Oh wait, you have no garden! Damn it.
BBQ’s are better at home
8. Hating those allnighters in the library? Try an allnighter on the couch, in front of the fire, drinking all your parents’ coffee.
We’ve all been there. The day before a deadline, you’re only halfway through, sleep is a long way off. The library at 3am is a soul destroying place to be, but you have to get it done… Let me tell you, doing that work on my couch in front of my telly with coffee and food and a fire, was a much better choice!
£4 for a can of Nescafe? Not at home
9. Your mum isn’t calling you up every 2 days to check that you’re still eating.
“But baby I love you and this is the first time you’ve left home, I want to know your healthy!” this is nice to hear in freshers week, but 4 months into your course it’s getting a bit tired.
Do you really want to be screening 100 odd calls?
10. Not having to pay for the washing machine room.
You’re running out of clothes, you need to do a wash, oh hey you’ve got no change! “Muuuuuuuuuuuum? Can I come home for the weekend? Oh will you pay for my train? Great! Thanks!” … A 3 hour train journey with all your dirty washing? Oh dear. Not a problem if you live at home!
And there’s no risk of mixing your colours with whites