8 easy April Fools’ gags
It is the one day of the year where you can piss off everyone, without them being allowed to get angry back. Student living means there are multiple targets. Try The Tab’s eight simple tricks to make your April Fools’ full of pranks.
It’s back! The bizarre time of year when cunning minds all over the world devise scheming tricks to punk the masses. This year’s stirring edition of April Fools’ Day will take place in a matter of days and The Tab have got the top eight pranks to pull on your pals!
This is a classic student prank that requires a lot of care and attention but is sure to leave your victim bewildered. The key to this prank is getting into their room without them knowing.
Firstly, buy as many cheap cups as you can (pound shops are recommended).
Then, neatly cover your victim’s entire floor area with rows and rows of them. Your victim won’t know what’s hit them when they enter their room to find enough cups to open up a shop!
2. The Lock-In
Now this prank promises to leave your victim in a vulnerable state. Gently place a broom under their bedroom door handle, leaving them unable to escape. This will prevent them from ever leaving until you strike up a bargain and let them out.
3. Shit…
Now this trick is quick and easy, yet very effective.
Simply take a finished loo roll, run it under water & break it up into medium-sized pieces. Secondly, mould the pieces into a cylinder-type shape using your hand. Your finished product should some what resemble faeces.
Place your model anywhere you think it is likely to be found / cause the most horror for your victim (desk chairs work well).
4. The Windows ’98
A personal favourite, hide all of the desktop icons on someone’s computer and replace the monitor’s wallpaper with a screen-shot of their desktop. This will certainly cause frustration and high levels of stress for your April fool. Just what we wanted.
5. Smells a bit fishy…?
No one walking the surface of the planet enjoys the smell of tuna. No one.
This creates the perfect basis for pranking. Just scoop a few spoonfuls of tuna into your victim’s pillow. Not only will this scar them for life, but it will also create an awful stench that will last for days.
6. The Bday Frape
Simply change your victim’s ‘Facebook birthday’ to the 1st and wait for the comments from randomers to swarm in.
Of course, this will only work if they’re a BNOF (Big Name On Facebook). Another classic.
This one can be done well in advance for an extra element of surprise.
7. The Pen15
Paint the tips of someone’s pens and pencils with clear nail polish so none of them work.
They’ll have actually made it into uni, but their stationery will render it a pointless trip!
Nightmare for anyone.
8. Milky Mayhem
Pour lots and lots and lots of salt in their milk.
This is an especially strategic prank as salt is fragrance-less and will not appear to be in the bottle when you victim next goes for a cuppa.
It will however, make them gag and hopefully feel a bit unwell.