AUra and out: Aura drops out of AU night
Superclub Aura pull out of UoL’s AU night contract, forcing former sponsor Revs to host the messiest night of the month once again
- Aura have pulled out of the AU night contract
- The superclub claims the night is not “financially viable”
- Former sponsors Revs will host AU Ball afterparty
Liverpool’s ‘superclub’ Aura have pulled out of the AU night contract, leaving former sponsors Revs to pick up the pieces.
AU night, the monthly mess bringing together UoL’s sports teams in absolute carnage, has been abandoned by Aura as rumours emerge that not enough students were attending AU night to fill their enormous 1,800 capacity.
One source told The Tab Aura pulled out because it was no longer “financially viable” for them to host the night.
Former sponsors Revolution, which can only squeeze in 1,200 students, have been hosting the night once again since Aura pulled out earlier this year.
Revolution, located on Fleet Street, starting hosting the night once again back in March.
The first AU nights of the year were successful, with hundreds of students donning fancy dress and filling up each and every room in the gigantic Aura.
As the year has passed, fewer and fewer students have been attending.
For the two years previous to this year, AU night was sponsored by Walkabout and Revolution.
Only in September did the contract move to Walkabout and Aura, forcing students to trek half way across Liverpool city centre to continue the night.
Since Aura have backed out, rowdy students have been saved this mission as Revs is only 30 seconds away from Walkabout in Concert Square.
The Tab cannot confirm whether or not the contract will remain with Revs next year, although they will be hosting the AU Ball afterparty, the final AU night of the year, on Friday.
The Tab have contacted Aura and Revolution for a comment.
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