UNiTITLED: Introducing the completely improvised sitcom starring UoL students and The Tab

VIDEO: A new 100% improvised sitcom set in Liverpool Uni is coming soon – just in time to distract you from revision

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Looking for something other than Netflix and Friends reruns to distract you over the exam period? You’re in luck. 

Second-year UoL student Rob Corcoran has spent the last few months pouring time, blood, sweat and god knows what else into UNiTITLED – a 100% improvised sitcom set in our beloved University of Liverpool.

Chronicling the life of a student battling the pressures of Smithdown living, lectures, and trying to become an actor, it’s hilarious and bizarre, and full of little Liverpool student things. The Uni should just replace the prospectus with this show and everyone would want to come here.

Having originally prepared a script for the project in October, Rob scrapped it, and instead turned to the most consistently funny form of comedy there is – improv.

Drafting in his housemates (including future Tab editor Adam Payne), Liverpool Uni Drama Society and anyone else who’d give him the time of day, he’s created a bizarre and hilarious series which will be posted online every Friday for the next three weeks.

The show’s first episode has a pretty heavy ‘Fuck The Tab’ theme (fuck you too, Rob), so it’s odd that we’re writing about it. But it’s just a show, right? It’s all a big joke. Or is it? No-one seems to know, least of all Rob.

The Tab reached out to Rob for a short interview about the coming series, but he declined to talk to us.


However, Executive Producer Brosef Jones didn’t share his Director’s hot-headedness, and sat down with us in the library.

He said: “It’s taken ages. Most of the shooting took place over Easter, but we’ve been working hard on it since before the New Year”.

“We’d start recording scenes and just improvise, and see what happened. Then Rob edits all the footage down into something that makes sense.”

The debut episode is about The Tab (we’re flattered), the next is centered around music, and the one after that… well, it doesn’t really have a theme.

UNiTITLED may be a little harsh on us (we’re used to it), but you should really watch it, because it’s really, really fucking funny.

Although the official release of the first episode is Friday, we’ve managed to secure a sneak peek, which you can watch right now. The rest of the episodes will be released every Friday after, so keep your eyes peeled.


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