Library revision guide part 2: How to survive the sauna
The ‘hell’ of revision has taken on a whole new meaning as work in the libraries begins for the up-and-coming exams. It is bloody boiling. However, do not fear…
In follow up to the revision survival guide published prior to the January exams, The Tab is back with an updated set of tips designed to tackle the emergence of a whole new beast: the tropical conditions stifling the university libraries.
For one reason or another, it has been decided by the powers that be that during this period of glorious sunshine the library heating should remain on.
The situation is rather dubious to say the least, however time is of the essence and none must be wasted in complaint; it is time to adapt, survive & thrive.
… just some of the iced snacks you should be aiming to consume periodically as you trudge your way through swamps of notes and past papers.
In normal circumstances almost all items found in nearby supermarkets would suffice, however with humidity reaching apocalyptic levels it is absolutely paramount that your body and brain remains at a functional temperature.
The countdown to exams is well underway but please do not rush in eating these treats; brain freeze is nowhere near as cool as it sounds.
You know what to do…
To adapt means to compromise.
No-one wants to wear a vest top, not really, but desperate times call for desperate measures and your personal appearance must lose priority status if you are to spend your day in the library faint-free.
Being a notorious oasis for the fashion-aware I understand this advice will be particularly hard to comprehend for Sydney Jones goers.
Indeed I know what you’re thinking English students; what about that time when Oscar Wilde said “you can never be overdressed or overeducated”, ey?
Everyone makes mistakes… even Oscar.
Examples of advisable library attire
If you wish to take the shedding of clothing a step further then why not break up your revision with ten minute long topless breaks?
Believe it or not this practice is already firmly rooted in Liverpool student culture; anyone lucky enough to be entertained by a certain Walkabout DJ will know exactly what I am talking about – only this display of nudity won’t be rewarded with alcohol, unfortunately.
For the more shy students the topless two minutes is also an available option.
Moments after this picture was taken tops were promptly removed
A much more realistic (and modest) way of cooling down is to take the short walk over to the lawns of Abercromby Square.
The area is absolutely beautiful and already an immensely popular spot for hot and bothered students.
If you are simply unwilling to lose any precious revision time then your work can come outside and enjoy the Spring breeze with you. The student look will be well and truly complete.
Not enough slumbering going on if you ask me
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