Dodgy cannabis on a high in Liverpool

Students are urged to watch what they smoke as potent synthetic cannabis is passed around the city

The high times are over as the use of synthetic cannabis- a substance which mimics the effects of weed- surges in Liverpool.

Synthetic cannaboid usage has risen in Liverpool over the past two years and is potentially more dangerous than the drug itself because of the strength of the chemicals used to make it.

The chemical has no smell, meaning it is easy to get away smoking it, but it also induces panic attacks, paranoia and short-term memory loss- all of which are also side effects of smoking cannabis. Alison Hodgson, who set up the charity Evolve which raises awareness of the dangers of legal highs, said: “The problem with synthetic cannabis is people don’t realise the consequences of it.  It’s so potent and all are made from chemicals.

“You don’t know what’s in there.  They’re made in back street labs and packaged up.  There’s no control there, it’s frightening.”

Although different varities of cannabis are illegal, such as Black Mamba, some are actually legal highs.

However, Merseyside Police are concerned anyone who smokes synthetic cannabis could be accidentally breaking the law as there is no way of telling whether or not the chemicals used are legal.

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