Smashed fourth year drunkenly promotes society at Freshers’ Fair

A fourth year student rocked up to his stall on the back of a 24 hour binge


A battered undergraduate stole the show at Freshers’ Fair when he turned up drunk and started yelling through a megaphone.

The Aerospace Engineering student Dom was seen holding a beer in his hand and swaying while saying: “I’m sorry if I’ve committed a crime.”

Gallivanting from one stall to another, the far-gone fourth year employed an unorthodox method of promoting his society via the use of a megaphone and the occasional X-rated phrase.

Up close and personal with the drunken jester

He slurred: “I’m a member of so many societies after today.

“Liverpool student freshers thing is amazing and we just join every society.

“And we are the Liverpool Pilot and Party Society and we’ve got Liverpool Engineers society, they’re pretty cool too.”



Dominic then continued to explain he had woken up drunk from the previous night’s antics and decided to just continue drinking while on the job.

At one point, Dominic decided to widen his target audience by hijacking the on-stage microphone.
