Merseyside flasher plays ball with 11 year old schoolgirls

Ghirmay Ykbmichael, has been arrested for exposing himself near Sefton Park

A man has been arrested after flashing 11 year old schoolgirls in Sefton Park, close to Greenbank Halls and student homes.

Merseyside schools are now on alert following additional incidents of schoolgirls being followed on their walk home.

Despite the chilly autumnal weather setting in over the last week the Merseyside Flasher, Ghirmay Ykbmichael, has been throwing clothing to the wind and exposing himself to children as young as 11 years old.

Sefton Park close to the pervert’s playground.

Several other incidents of flashing and following have been reported in the Merseyside area from numerous schools. Many schools, both primary and secondary, have issued letters and warnings to parents and guardians over these incidents.

22 year old Liverpool resident Ghirmay Ykbmichael was arrested and charged with indecent exposure after flashing girls outside St Helens CE High School near Sefton Park. A group of girls attending St Helens CE High School were walking along Lodge Lane when they were called over for a preview of the pervert’s privates.

Two teenage girls were thereafter followed and forced to run when a man in similar dress pursued them along Lodge Lane.

16 miles away, Formby High School has reported two incidents of schoolgirls being followed home by an unidentified man last week. The man is also reported to have exposed himself to these young girls on one of the incidents.

Head Teacher of Formby High School, Dominic Mackenzie, stated how for the protection of his students the parents and guardians of those attending the school have been notified, as have neighbouring schools, both primary and secondary.

In Woolton schools have also been put on alert as a 12 year old girl was approached by a stranger on her way to school.

Lastly, there have been two separate incidents of schoolgirls being grabbed on the Wirral.

The general public are told to be on alert as this fashion of flashing and following descends in the area.

Beautiful sunny Liverpool day at Sefton Park before the onset of the Merseyside Flasher.