Your favourite bachelorette: the results

You’ve voted en masse

A few days ago we presented you with a handful of some of the most eligible bachelorettes on campus.

Now, nearly 1000 votes later, we can today reveal that your favourite of the bunch, with 33% of the vote, is…


That’s right, you selected the second year Bio-Chem student with the work hard play hard approach.

Helen and Sian ran her close, however the Harold Cohen ultra takes top spot at the podium.

So, what next?

Over the last week you selected Architecture student Robert and blonde Bio-Chem bombshell Amy as your most beloved bachelor and bachelorette, it would be silly not to send them out on a date, right?

Our boy Robert

So, once again, we put the power in YOUR hands.

Where should Amy and Robert go on their first date?

Who knows, if the date goes well, these fine specimens may not need to spend another Christmas alone…

[polldaddy poll=8503692]