Liverpool beaten by Hope as we fail green league

Manchester beat us too

Liverpool have failed controversial green rankings, according to figures published by People & Planet.

Their university league slammed our attempts to create an eco-friendly campus, along with sustainable food policies and workers’ rights – all of which received a shocking score of zero per cent.

We came equal 129th place with the University of Warwick, with an overall score of 28 per cent.

Torie, a third year Green Party member, said: “I think these matters do need to be addressed. There are no obvious green initiatives, short of the bins in the library.

“People don’t realise how easy it is to be a little greener.”

Not enough slumbering going on if you ask me

First-year Abby agreed: “It is horrifying to think our university scores so dreadfully in the league tables.

“We are a well-respected, well-funded university and there is simply no excuse for us not to be environmentally friendly.”

Richard, a second year Historian, thinks the ratings are irrelevant to students.

He said: “No student really cares about green policies. It’s just a way for the bourgeoisie to alleviate their guilt about their parents owning four Land Rovers.”

Astrophysicist Geraint added: “We have to power the University somehow. There isn’t exactly space for us to build our own wind farm on campus.”

Plymouth University won the league, with Liverpool Hope coming in 121st place – eight places above us – and Manchester ranked 122nd.

The People & Planet table has come under scrutiny since its publication, with questions being raised about bias against older universities that struggle to keep energy consumption and costs down, due to ageing buildings and heavy emphasis on research.

Criticism intensified for both the table and universities after it emerged nearly half the universities included in the study – including Oxbridge and University of Liverpool – did not willingly take part.

Liverpool Guild of Students defended the University, said: “The figures were based on last years’ data, and doesn’t reflect the work done since.

“It doesn’t reflect the work the Guild’s Green Team has done in working with and lobbying the University over sustainable issues, or the Green SEED Funding Scheme.”