Vivienne Westwood is coming to the Guild

We’re not kidding

Fashion icon Vivienne Westwood is coming to our very own Mountford Hall as part of her university tour in support of the Green Party.

She will be speaking alongside Green Party Deputy Leader Amelia Womack and candidate Martin Dobson, who Vivienne is supporting in the upcoming general election.

The event is from 19:00 to 22:30 on Tuesday April 28, and the tickets are free – just sign up here.

Vivienne has been a long term supporter of the party, working as a dedicated environmental campaigner for several years.

This year she has donated £300,000 to the party.

Westwood said: “The Green Party are against austerity, against fracking and pro-community.

“Starting from this platform we could build a true economy based on real human values.

“I am investing in the Green Party because I believe it is in the best interests of our country and our economy.

“I hope that by example other individuals and businesses will follow suit. If we get behind this we can make a real difference and the time is now.”

Ross Campbell, Chair of Liverpool Young Greens, said: “It’s a huge privilege to be campaigning alongside someone who is as inspirational and committed as Dame Vivienne Westwood.

“We’re really looking forward to welcoming her to Liverpool”.

You can also find out more about Vivienne’s environmental work here.