Fashion wars: Harold Cohen versus Sydney Jones
We took the rivalry to a whole new level
Science and Arts are separated by more ways than one, but which library plays host to the most stylish students?
Harold Cohen
Rebecca decided to brave the rain with a fur collared coat, paired with a nautical style jumper and navy blue skinny jeans. Mid season looks are the hardest to get right, but this Harold Cohener has smashed it. Compared to some of the sights in the Harold Cohen, it is clear that this fashionista is dressed to impress.
Who would expect this level of style expertise from an Accounting student? It’s a simple look – a grey cardigan with a dark grey tee – but this outfit is 50 shades of great. The suede shoes are a little risky with Liverpool’s excessive rain, but the risk was totally worth it.
This Harold Cohener donned an over-sized beige coat: Topshop’s latest trend it seems. But it was the purple patterned blouse that really gave this look an element of swagger.
Psychology student Ben Cross braved the rainy conditions and decided to wear a blue plaid shirt with grey chinos. He finished the look with a bomber jacket with leather sleeves. Bonus points for pulling off brown shoes with grey trousers.
Sydney Jones
A library home to the artsy fartsy hipsters with easy degrees. So in theory, they should have more time to spend on their appearance.
This student did not disappoint. Her white leather jacket layered over a trendy crop top, high-waisted black skinnies and black boots are all very much “in”. The overall look felt more natural than try-hard, the perfect library look.
The guys also showed promise. This guy pulls off a khaki jacket, the colour of the season, paired with a grey jumper and black trousers. It’s a simple look but sometimes simplicity is key.
Now this look was definitely experimental given the rainy conditions. The white mesh top is layered with a black crop top, accompanied with a black jacket and navy blue skinny jeans.The trainers add to the sporty vibe of the outfit, and her orange bag gives it the perfect pop of colour.
Khaki seems to be a popular choice among the arts crowd. This over-sized coat and navy blue jumper combo is a great look, and this guy pulls it off well. Casual and trendy, this looks gives the Harold Coheners a lot to compete with.
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