Second year launches petition for Speakers’ Corner on campus

We could be the first campus in UK to get one

Liverpool is renowned for its worthy preachers in the city centre, and now a Combined Honours student wants to bring them to campus.

Second year Nick Hobbs has submitted a detailed proposal to the University, requesting a public space for students to discuss and debate openly.

The University have said in order for the initiative to go ahead, at least one per cent of the student population need to sign the petition.

Already, 148 people have signed it.

A Speakers’ Corner is a public area where members of the public can speak, protest or debate.

The suggested locations for the Speakers’ Corner are Abercromby Square and University Square.

Potential location for a Speakers’ Corner?

Nick said: “So far we have half that 148 signatures, but I’d actually like to get a lot more than one per cent.

“My very basic and preliminary research suggests no other university has an established, permanent Speakers’ Corner in the UK.

“I contacted the Guild who advised I need to demonstrate this is something students here might want, so I started the petition.

“I’m currently a second year mature student studying International Politics and Policy, so freedom of speech and expression is something dear to me.

“I think conversation and debate is really important.”

Yes Nick

First year student Ellie said: “We live in a diverse city and we’re at a diverse university, why would we not encourage this kind of thing?

“To potentially be the first University with Speakers’ Corner a big deal. We could make history and really start something.”

Click here to sign the petition.