This is what you look like when boys choose your outfits

For a whole WEEK


For a whole week, I decided to put my appearance in the hands of the fashion senseless, annoying boys I live with. Each guy was allocated a day of the week and a complete artistic licence to pick out anything from my wardrobe. And I had to wear it for the day – no matter how monstrous, no matter how mismatched.

Obviously, there were a few exceptions. Bikinis and skyscraper heels were disqualified, and the boys were challenged to pick an outfit they would pick out for themselves, if they were a girl.

Wardrobe messier than a night at the Raz

Day 1

Going to uni or the 90’s Waxxx party?

First outfit of the week was put together by Anatomy student Cameron Homer.

Cam hand picked this retro Adidas sweater and jacket, with baby blue Nike trainers and bag: colour coordinating ridiculously well. Sporty Spice eat your heart out. Not bad Cam, not bad.

On the subject of hair, Cam asked: “Can you do it really messy, but then with kind of cornrows, but only on one side?”.

He continued explaining his vision for the outfit: “My outfit reflects Ibiza 2004 vibes with the lads.”

On the hunt for edgy garms

More ‘North-West’ than ‘West-side’

Suitability for uni: 8/10

Likelihood of wearing again: 7/10

Day 2

On Tuesday it was English and History student Max Baker’s turn to become Greenbank’s answer to Gok Wan. Max chose a playsuit, with fake-fur jacket, Chanel bag and boots. Clearly no consideration of the temperature was taken in choosing this outfit.

You brute Max.

Looking cold and moody already

When asked about what vibe he was going for, Max eplained: “I don’t always go for patterns, so I went for monochrome because it’s sharp and defined. I chose a playsuit as it has the word ‘play’ in it, so it must be fun to wear.”


Looking and feeling 12 years old

“Can you brush your hair for once” was also demanded from the one-day-designer. Sacrifices had to be made.

Max’s “fun but classy look” also required a bronze Lizard necklace to finish the total look, which took him over an hour to complete.

Some items caused confusion and fear

Suitability for uni: 3/10

Likelihood of wearing again: 5/10

Day 3

Wednesday was Business Management student Patrick Smith’s time to shine.

Definitely the funniest of my stylists for the week, he said: “I can’t put a white top with black pants, can I? Does that match?”, and “where are those black ankle boots every girl wears?”

Despite the struggle, he created the most thought-out outfit of the week.

Guess Paddy decided black and white can go together after all

Paddy went for black skinnys, a fluffy white top, black boucle coat with leather collar detail and Raybans.

While on the job, he said: “Picking an outfit for a girl is ridiculously hard: you don’t realise until you’ve tried it. I went for jeans to keep it simple and chose black because I like black clothes. That’s about it really.”

Minimalism at its finest?

“what the hell is half this stuff Beth”

‘You can’t wear a silver necklace with white, you need a gold one’

That top and coat combo had me feeling a bit less monochrome chic and a bit Cruella De’Ville, though. Patrick toughened the look up with a black leather bag and boots.

Suitability for uni: 9/10

Likelihood of wearing again: 7/10

Day 4

Law student Kyran Shuker picked his day’s outfit in under 10 minutes, adding accessories of his own: a snap-back, the bane of student fashion.

However, duty calls and sacrifices were made. Kie specified the snap-back must be worn backwards with undone hair, paired with a silk bomber jacker, jeans and pair of Puma Suede’s for “the chilled vibe” as “no-one wear heels to uni, it should be casual but cool”.

“Bombers are fashionable right now tbh”

I hate hats and hats hate me

Suitability for uni: 8/10

Likelihood of wearing again: 4/10

Day 5

The final fashionista was Politics student Arun Ajikumar. Once again shorts were out, and naturally so were the goosebumps.

kimono or just “oh-no”?

“I wanted a look which would make you stand out, but still wanted to keep it quite casual with the brown leather shorts. The kimono was essential in completing the look with the hues of reds and browns.” Clearly knows what he’s talking about.

squats for fashion; no pain no gain

Clashing patterns with my bedroom

Arun wanted to achieve the boho vibe, choosing a messy fishtail plait and turkish-eye necklace to complete the look. He also selected a patterned kimono and kept the rest simple with a lace detail jumper.

Suitability for uni: 6/10

Likelihood of wearing again: 8/10

Vote below to decide who takes the fashion crown (and ego boost).

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