Liverpool’s worst drunken injuries

It’s always the best nights out that lead to trauma

Minor injuries make you realise in your hangover or confusion that you must have had a good time.
So, you’re on a night out and have somehow ended up in Concert Square. One or two drinks too many and you soon lose sight of all sanity. You believe that you are invincible and can do anything the sober mind would usually prohibit. Next, you’re in the A&E department with blood, tears and a broken leg.

Here are some of Liverpool’s worst drunken injuries.

Marisa, second year English & Comms

It’s good to be different

Injury: Swollen and red face

Marisa, while attending a Tab social pre-drinks, made the mistake of finding some pink and gold glitter glue. This was then smothered over her face and arms. Although she was completely fine for the rest of the night, the next morning she found that her face was a little puffy with red marks: “I thought it wasn’t a big deal and it would just go away.” Little did she know is that the following day, her face would be even more puffy, bright red and really itchy.

She told The Tab: “I was completely grimacing the whole time during my tutorial, trying so hard not to itch my face. I made it worse for myself by leaving my hair down to hide the rash, which made it even itchier. My expressions were so bad, my tutor asked me if I was okay.”

Beth, second year Ancient History

Beth was brutally elbowed in the face by an embarrassing dancer at Level. As a result, she couldn’t see properly out of her left eye for a few days as it was badly bruised and swollen.  Whether it be a girl slut dropping in her heels, or a lad dancing like an old man, you’re bound to get caught in the middle of someone’s moves.

Beth spoke to The Tab: “I was walking up the stairs to get to level two when a boy, dancing while he walked, managed to elbow me in the face.

“The pain wasn’t that bad at first. It wasn’t until I was in Krunchy Fried Chicken, when a worker asked me what I had done to my eye, that I realised that the boy had done actual damage to my face.”

Danni, second year Psychology

Danni had the unpleasant experience of receiving her injury whilst holding her end-of-night takeaway. After ordering her food she tripped on the cobbles of Concert Square, resulting in a straight up face plant to the floor. Luckily there were people there to give her tissues to wipe the blood, dripping from her face.

Perhaps, the saddest outcome from her fall was not her lingering black eye, but the fact she never got to eat her takeaway. Who needs a perfect face and a usable phone anyway?

Alex, second year Media and Sociology

Alex was on a night out in Medication. At pre drinks, she happened to drop a bottle of Lambrini on her toe, which hurt, but was not drastic enough to ruin her night out. While she was dancing in Med, the pain became too much for her.

She said: “I looked at my toe and realised I needed to see a doctor immediately.” She went to see a doctor in Med’s first aid room. Yes, there is a first aid room in Medication.

Unfortunately, her toe nail gradually fell off and I think the unhappy face on her bandage says it all. That’s what you get for drinking Lambrini.

Joe, second year History and Politics

 Joe, on a night out in Heebies, got punched in the face by someone that he thought was his friend. This resulted in him, having an immediate cut lip and bleeding gums. He still doesn’t actually know why he was punched. Classic.

As a witness, to the traumatic aftermath of this assault, I was also left confused. Who knew that people in Heebie’s could be so agressive?

Joe said: “I don’t know why it happened to me. It was so unexpected and random and quite painful.” He still managed to stay out and power through the pain of his injury though.

The moral from this injury, is not to trust drunk people and to try to avoid your friends assaulting you.

Jess, second year English & Modern History

Injury: Bruised and cut left side

This is a very recent injury from a bad fall in fresher’s week. Jessica woke up to what looked like a piece of pepperoni on her shoulder. This hazy memory is pretty common after a Raz night out. Jessica’s friend told The Tab: “On the way to the Raz, her legs gave way and she hit the floor, bruising and cutting the left side of her body.”

She still has no memory of her fall, her only reminder is the huge scar left on her shoulder and the fading bruises on her left side. Jessica said: “I still manage to injure myself on nights out. Last week my bruise grew, and there are somehow even more scratches on my left side.”

Sean, second year maths

Sean, while attending a pub crawl, managed to get so drunk that he forgot about the existence of doors. 15 pubs is a lot of pubs to go to, especially if you buy two drinks and a shot in each. At an extreme level of drunkenness, Sean does not remember returning to Crown Place.Sean said: ” I started banging on everybody’s door, until one of my flat mates answered. He said that we could play on the Wii and I got too excited so I ran into the kitchen without realising the door was closed.”Consequently, Sean now has to be on full alert when he is drunk, in order to not make the same mistake again.

Joe, second year History

Injury: Fractured ankle

Joe recalls being a fresher walking down Brownlow Hill, after pre-drinking in Crown Place. He then suddenly found himself having to be carried to Medication. What he didn’t know was that he needed actual painkillers rather than the nightclub.

He told The Tab: “I moved on quite quickly, on the night out, unaware of the extent of the damage that I had caused to my leg, while I was dancing in Medication. It wasn’t until the next day, when I had to hop to a taxi for work, that I thought I should go to hospital.”

After having surgery on his foot, and taking a few months off work, Joe is now able to go on a night out without limping around Seel Street .