Halloween prosthetics for dummies: The bullet wound
The scarily simple step-by-step guide to looking like you’ve been shot in the head
Halloween, the one night a year you’ll go to town in a freakishly good costume.
But if you’re a typical student, it’s likely Saturday 31st is not the only night you’ll be out this week. Juicy on a Thursday? Heebies on a Friday? Here lies your awkward predicament: do you dress up on these nights or not? It’s effort to spend money on multiple costumes, but no effort at all leaves you looking a right scrooge. Wrong holiday?
Your solution? Prosthetics. Totally cost effective if bought between your flatmates, and seeing as a little product goes a long way, this stuff will last you years.
Here’s the easy-peasy guide to a shot-wound. Although this tutorial is done on the forehead, you can replicate this anywhere on your bod, à la zombie 50 cent.
What products you’ll need (pictured in guide):
- Flesh coloured liquid latex (prices vary due to size, but under a tenner fo’ sho)
- Synwax professional wax (Mehron branded wax is £7.99)
- Matte black eyeshadow
- Cajoled, scab effect blood (£7.75 for Kryolan fresh scratch, 15ml)
- F/X liquid blood (can pick this up dead cheap online, in large supermarkets, fancy dress shops, etc.)
- Purple/blue/red face paint or eyeshadow
What tools you’ll need to apply:
- Small make-up brush (whichever brand/sort you have will do)
- Tweezers
- A tissue
(Pictures of products shown below)
Step 1:
Using flesh coloured liquid latex, apply a dot to the middle of the forehead to whatever size you want your bullet wound to be, then wait for it to dry.
Step 2:
Using tweezers, scrape and pinch at the middle of the dot, opening it up to give a broken skin effect.
Credit to Laura Griffin for make-up and Lucy Granton for modelling as victim.