We asked you about your fashion disasters
Creating lols out of people’s misfortunes
Everyone has that one hilarious fashion nightmare from a night out.
Maybe you were absolutely obliterated in Level and got told the next day you were sick all over your brand new Reeboks. Or maybe you went out head to toe dressed in beige and blended in nicely with the walls of the Sydney Jones.
The Tab finds out more about these hilarious but horrible stories.
Daniel, Marketing fresher
“I cant remember one specific time I had a disaster, to be honest have you seen me now?”
Claudia, third year Popular music and comms
“Once on a night out the heel of my shoe snapped, so I awkwardly propped it up and danced on the spot for an hour or so until one of my friends had the genius idea of snapping the other heel off too. I was then left with some sort of seesaw contraption for shoes, my dancing got pretty ridiculous.”
Chris, third year Economics and German
“Last week I put my red shirt in the wash with my other clothes and now everything is pink. Even my jeans.”
Phoebe, third year French and German
“My mum dressed me and my two younger sisters in exactly the same clothes every single day until I went to secondary school and she realised that wasn’t the normal thing to do. Not going to lie, I do miss looking like a 90’s girl band every day.”
Rosie, third year French and Italian
“This one time I was walking back from an after party (lol) wearing a strappy dress at like 8am on a Saturday. It was light and there were families about and then the strap on my dress broke, and I wasn’t wearing a bra!”
Laura, third year French and Italian
“It was sometime last year, we were all ‘prinking’ and having a great time, when one of my friend did a cartwheel and completely ripped his jeans. He was definitely trying to show off, and well that backfired.”
Ellie Second year Communications and Media
“As my most trusted and treasured jeans, everything was going fine until one day my touching thighs betrayed me and mid way through getting ready the jeans split. I powered on through regardless because I had no other option, embracing the rip and slut dropping all the way home.”
Arun, second year Philosophy and Politics
“I was slut dropping and gyrating all over the place to Flo Rida’s Low and after 15 minutes my skinnies split from the front. I was mortified, but luckily a friend of mine had a flannel shirt tied around his waist so he gave it to me to tie around my waist.”
Lizzie, English graduate
“I went to iron my favourite white silk top but the iron was way too hot and it just evaporated into thin air when the iron touched it. It also ruined my iron, but I was most gutted about the top.”