Nearly £10,000 of unused printing credits were left by grads

Think of all that ink


The total amount of money left on students printing accounts is a whopping £9946.

This sum relates to a staggering 4168 students, with an average of £2.38 being left per student.

It also includes students who may return to undertake post-grad studies in 2015/16.

The uni have disclosed that any returning students will be able to access their unused printing credits, and remaining unused printing credits will be donated to the Uni’s hardship funds.English and Politics grad Adam was shocked by the massive figure and suggests printing for assignments should be free of charge.Adam told The Tab: “The figure is pretty crazy. I’ve always argued that assessed work should be printed free of charge – we are obliged to do it after all. The money students spend of printing is pretty staggering.”

Deputy Guild Pres Alex Ferguson revealed uni have not previously set up initiatives to remind students of their remaining printing credits, however he says measures will now be taken. It’s not like anyone will need to get a loan to pay for their print outs.

Alex told The Tab: “We previously haven’t done any awareness raising around printing credits, but we will now.”

For further information on uni’s printing service click here.