I adopted a kitten in my second year
He’s a ‘feline asshole’ and studies Markitten
When we move into our houses in second year, we all miss that one thing that really makes a house a home – pets.
Second year Marketing student Holly Fitzgerald wasn’t having this though and adopted an adorable kitten named Kevin. We spoke to her about the ups and downs of adopting.
How old is Kevin and when did you get him?
“Kevin is now about 15 weeks old but no one actually knows because he came from a rescue shelter. We saw him and his brothers on Liverpool Cat Welfare’s Facebook page and couldn’t help but rescue him. His original name was Erwin though, so we thought Kevin was a better name. I only live with my boyfriend we wanted some more company.”
How much of your loan has he rinsed?
“He takes up all of it because we spoil him so much as I feel guilty leaving him when I go to uni. We even bought that cat circuit toy from the Apprentice, it cost £15 but he pretty much just ignores it and chews my uni work and pens instead.”
Has he been to the Raz?
“He’s never been to the Raz, he’s more of a house fan. But he’s never turned down a trip to Level 2 or Brooklyn Mixer.”
He must be a great tool for procrastinating.
“He is such a distraction from my uni work. He loves sleeping on my laptop when I’m working and it’s so hard to not play with him when he wants attention. He does sometimes make it difficult to live with – he follows me around the house crying until I feed him or play with him. He once knocked over a whole cup of tea over my phone, laptop and uni work and just looked at me as if it was my fault. He’s a feline asshole most of the time and loves knocking things over and making a mess.”
How do your landlord and parents feel about him?
“My landlord is my boyfriend’s mum and she knows and loves him, she’s actually trying to convince us to get another. He’s going to be staying with them at Christmas. My dad hates cats and I’m pretty sure my dog would have him for lunch. The thought of carrying him all the way home on the train is a little daunting.”
What are his favourite Tab articles?
“His favourite Tab article is Clubbers of the Week but he’s upset that he’s never been spotted, he’s sure he’ll deffo be under ‘stunners of the week’ soon though.”
The Liverpool Cat Welfare centre are currently struggling with the amount of cats being dropped off, so if you’ve got nice landlords or a parent you haven’t got a Christmas present for, don’t hesitate to check out their page here.