Police have temporarily closed popular club Brooklyn Mixer
The club has seen six violent incidents in the last year
After a hearing on Friday Brooklyn Mixer has been handed a two week temporary closure order.
Merseyside police took the Seel Street bar to court following ‘a number of allegations of incidents of violence’ at the Monday night hot spot last weekend.
Documents shown to the court reference ‘incidences of alleged assault involving door staff and customer on customer assaults’ and ‘incidents have involved bottles being used as a weapon and threats involving knives.’
A spokesperson for the club said: “We have been informed that an incident that happened on Saturday, January 9 is the sixth incident to happen in or outside our venue over the past year.
“The incident was dealt with professionally by our door team and involved a couple inside the venue – with no further police action being taken.
“For a venue that has footfall of around 4,000 every week in and out of the venue, this ratio of unrelated incidents to customers seems very low.”
“We are a very pro-active operator and have, over the past few months for example, been involved in several initiatives with Merseyside Police across our portfolio of venues – such as the ‘Drink Less Enjoy More’ campaign.”
Taylor Somers, a second year Law student wasn’t happy with the news, she told The Tab: “Brooklyn Mixer is one of my favourite nights out, I’m a bit devastated.
“But maybe now I’ll stay in and actually do my coursework.”
Second year Communication and Film student Lily Saedi is looking at the bigger picture.
Lily told The Tab: “It’s a shame as the queue for The Raz is going to be even more disgusting now.”
Seven city centre bars and clubs were given temporary or permanent closure notices in 2015 during a crackdown on Liverpool’s club scene. Brooklyn Mixer is the first club to be closed in 2016.
Fear not though as Cool It Liverpool will be temporarily rehousing their legendary Monday night.
Block Party will now be next door at Heebie Jeebies, with the same DJs and drink deals for the next two weeks.
For more information visit the Cool It Liverpool Facebook page.
Photos: Cool It Liverpool and Brooklyn Mixer