There’s a Twitter Q&A with the new Student Officer candidates next week

Just tweet #SOaskthem with your question

Next week, the 19 candidates campaigning to be the next Student Officer will each have a half an hour time slot to answer any question over twitter.

Students will have the opportunity to ask any questions they may have during the Twitter Q&A to find out more about the candidates, their manifestos and why they should be voted in by tweeting their question with the hashtag #SOaskthem.

Each candidate will have an allotted time slot for the Q&A.

Voting opens in less than two weeks and candidates have already been campaigning across campus.

Each candidate has an allotted half an hour slot.

Second year Ancient History student Nick Kehoe said: “I don’t really know much about the election so far so I suppose it’ll be a good opportunity for anyone to ask about things they want to know.”

Voting for Student Officer elections start on Monday 7th March and will last for  week.