You can work out what ‘type’ of people live in your neighbourhood thanks to The Echo
Basically they’re judging us
Liverpool’s local newspaper, The Liverpool Echo, has created a way to work out what type of neighbourhood you’re living in. Using your postcode, the broadsheet has designed an interactive tool revealing the kind of people that are most common in your neighbourhood.
And it’s hilariously ironic.
The Office for National Statistics have used information from censuses, looking at data about who lives in each area to put each neighbourhood into one of 76 groupings. The Echo say the tool will show you “how likely you are to be single or married, employed or unemployed, healthy, ill, young, old, black, white or Asian.” Just incase you didn’t already know what your own identity was.
Most students live on Smithdown so we tried a Smithdown Road postcode first to see what our true traits were. Are we old or young, married or in full time jobs? Evidently it’s impossible to know without this tool. This is what comes up when trying out a Smithdown L15 or L17 postcode.
So cultured and worldly-wise
Students typically can’t even afford to buy cosmopolitans often, but the Echo reckons that’s the kind of trendy people we are – according to Google we’re “familiar with and at ease in many different countries and cultures,” As if we can afford to travel outside of Speke after spending £300 on a bus pass.
The Echo revealed surprising information stating that this area was largely student populated, and these people are more likely to rent, be unmarried and commute via public transport or bike. How unexpected.
When searching Carntatic Halls, Greenbank Halls and Vine Court’s postcodes, the only difference was “Ethnically diverse area (more likely to be Chinese.)” for Vine Court.
When searching a Kensington address, where some students choose to live, but not as many as on Smithdown, this is what The Echo revealed:
The Tab also tried an Allerton postcode, where some of Liverpool’s fancier better-than-you students decide to live, far enough away from the rowdy rabble of Smithdown. The Echo confirmed their classier lifestyle and values.
Students living in Allerton clearly prefer being surrounded by friendly elderly people who aren’t constantly throwing wild parties and are probably those kind of students who have their own car and like to leisurely drive to university.
We used a city centre postcode to find out what The Echo had to say about students who preffered to live in the city centre. Like the other student dominated areas, this group of people were also labelled ‘cosmopolitans.’
So where do the normal people live?
If you’re moving checkout our moving checklist which includes how to update your address and other helpful tips.