The Tab tries: working a shift at Krunchy Fried Chicken
Working Krunchy Fried, what a way to make a living
With the power of a red salt shaker comes great responsibility.
Undoubtedly the best fried chicken takeaway in town, Krunchy Fried Chicken offers so much more than divine red salt chips and exquisite chicken burgers. It has the most tolerant and kind staff in the world. Krunchy is the place you run to at the end of a messy night out; a safe place to hide when all your drunken troubles get too much. It’s the home form home when your drunken night descends into chaos. Yoseph and the boys are there. Yoseph and the boys will listen to you.
Since first year, I’ve always had an unconditional love for Krunchy and it seemed only right for me to give something back. I asked Yoseph if I could work a shift with him and he kindly accepted.
Once the chic red zip-through sweater was mine, I knew I had a duty to fulfil. Fries, chicken and the famous red salt were all in my reach. It was a sense of power like no other.
Red salt is very, very important
The first order up was chicken ‘n’ chips. That involved using the ‘grabber things’ to fill up a KFC box, and shovelling the famous chips into another box. So far, easy. Then came the job of all jobs: shaking on the glorious, heavenly powder that is Krunchy Fried Red Salt. It needed to be perfect.
Grab that meat
Almost like an episode of undercover boss (only without having any real power or any clue what I was doing), I stepped up to the mark and committed to providing the clubbers of Liverpool with the finest food around – no drunk student in that room would go hungry while The Tab was in town.
This is true love
At a glance an outsider would think working in a takeaway was easy, but it turns out serving chicken to the drunk, hungry and rowdy isn’t as simple as it first seems. How much red salt is too much red salt? (Also, the chicken boxes are pretty difficult to assemble when you’ve had more than a few yourself.) Piling hot food into self-assemble boxes isn’t as easy as Yosef makes it seem but with the loving support of Yoseph and the Krunchy Fried team I knew that I could get the job done (even if it was only for 20 minutes).
As the night went on I had the privilege of serving people I knew and people I’d never met but who thought they knew me. I was boxing up the chicken and Yoseph was working the till – we were the ultimate dream team, dressed in red fleeces. At the end of a long, hard shift, I could rest my head and sleep easy that night knowing that I’d given the people what they wanted. Chicken, chips and red salt.
Big up Krunchy Fried Chicken.