We asked Freshers why they chose Liverpool
“Because I didn’t get into Leeds”
The Freshers have descended onto Liverpool, complete with 4x 1L vodka bottles, never-to-be-used IKEA mini ironing boards and worried texts from their mummies. Some of them were born to be in Liverpool, some of them worked their tits off to get here and some of them didn’t get into Manchester and had to settle for the Pool. Most of them just had soppy reasons about it feeling special on an open day.
Behram, Medicine
“Liverpool is close to home, they’ve got goods sports and the city always seems to be really alive.”
Josh (left) and Conor, both Law
Josh: “I just liked the city and this uni’s a good one, isn’t it?”
Conor: “It was just somewhere new, and a great city, really.”
Charlie, Maths
“Because I didn’t get into Leeds.”
Luke, Accounting and Finance
“Went to an open day and decided then. It’s a nice campus too.”
Andreas, exchange student from Austria, studying English and Computer Science
“Liverpool was easy to get to and with my degree being English, there obviously aren’t a lot of options for years abroad in Europe. Also, Liverpool was just one of the biggest cities on the map.”
Ellie, Criminology and Maddie, Geography
Ellie: “I applied last year and didn’t get in, and could have gone to Sheffield Hallam but I didn’t want to at all, so I re-applied and got in.”
Molly: “I chose it for the sesh.”
Josh, Geography and Planning
“I liked the city and the nightlife and everything. Just classic stuff really”.
Melina, exchange student from Austria, studying English and History
“I chose Liverpool as my exchange city because there are lots of communities and things to do. It’s easy to travel around the country from here to Scotland and London as well”.
Tom, Sociology and Criminology
“It just felt right – everyone was really friendly on the open day.”
Kelly, English Student
“Fuck you – I’m a third year.”