Breakfast at The Guild will change your life


We underestimate the Guild. It’s usually not until second year that we realise the glory of the burritos, or that the Sphinx is actually a decent place to go for a drink, but there’s a whole other world of delight to be found in the guild between 8:30am and 12pm.

Breakfast at the Guild will change your life. It’ll always be there for you for that hungover 9am, or when you just need a sausage to warm you up in the morning.

It’s also cheap as fuck. For a minuscule £1.35 you can get a bacon or sausage barm (or roll, or bap, whatever you call it), and they’ve even got veggie sausages. Extras are only 40p, so for only £2.95 you can get a full bap, a hash brown AND a massive bottle of juice. That’s less than any meal deal, coffee and a bacon roll alone in Gregg’s is £1.75. They even have veggie sausages. Linda McCartney veggie sausages. Linda.

They also give you shit loads of food. Quality and quantity are paramount to a Guild breakfast. Not only is it the biggest bargain this side of the Mersey but they also really do pile the goods on.  The ratio of floury bun to bacon is on point, and once smothered in your choice of tomato or brown sauce (or both, it’s a free, non judging Guild) it’ll probably be the best sandwich you’ve ever had.

Them hash browns tho. Crispy, fried delicious potatoes for only 40p. Pile them up, put them in your roll, eat them on their own, grab one for the road, however you eat it make sure you savour every single bite.  For only 40p you might as well buy more than one.

This is a tribute to the simple pleasure of the Guild breakfast. Even if you’re not going to run across campus to get one, we think they deserve that people know they exist. Viva la hash brown.